The Classmate Murders ~ A Review

Bob Moats is a man determined to write.  He is one of the first true indie writers I have met.  From start to finish, Bob’s books are his own, from writing, to publishing.  Bob makes his own books, designs his covers and is his own PR and marketing department.  Before reading his book, The Classmate Murders, I already admired the man based on his hard work alone. 

Once I started reading, I couldn’t put the book down.  Jim Richards is a recently unemployed security guard, living with his parents and has just turned 60.  While he wishes his life had afforded better opportunities, it is convenient living there so he can help his Mother with his ailing Father. 

One night Jim receives an e-mail from an old high school friend asking for him to call, that she needs his help.  When he picks up the phone and calls, he is greeted on the other end by a police officer informing him his friend had been murdered.  Jim is stunned by this revelation and wonders what is going on? 

He contacts his long time cohort, Buck who convinces him he needs to look into things.  As things progress and Jim and Buck are still befuddled, another classmate is murdered!  What is going on?? Who is targeting Jim’s classmates and why?  Jim finally figures out the pattern of the killings and he and Buck go out of their way to protect the people they think are listed for murder. 

It turns out this is no ordinary murderer, but a very brave and cunning one, who will even make their kills with the police present.  How can Jim and Buck protect anyone from such a brutal killer??

I really enjoyed reading The Classmate Murders.  I love the senior citizen hero, Jim Richards and also like to see our love lives will not end after 40.  I even snuck this book to work with me to read at lunchtime.  One of my favorite things about the book, is that the character’s seemed so real to me, as if you could run into any of them on the streets and enjoy meeting them.  A great combination of murder, thrills, romance and excitement.  I highly recommend reading The Classmate Murders by Bob Moats. 

You can follow Bob on Twitter ~ @MurderNovels

and check out this book as well of Bob’s other murder novels at

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